Librarian Blogging

LibrarianOEDb (the Online Education Database, a research and education resource) was interested in the number of blogs authored by librarians, which begged the question: which librarian bloggers have the biggest reach? So they ranked all of the biggest blogs by librarians.

In ranking the top librarian blogs, their goal was to show — using objective data from reliable sources — which blogs are the most popular, according to visitor traffic and site backlinks. To this end, they used data for four metrics to calculate the rankings: Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati Authority and Bloglines Subscribers.

Top Librarian Blogs

OEDb has more great lists, and lists of lists.

Killer digital libraries and archives

Hundreds of libraries and archives exist online, from university-supported sites to individual efforts. Each one has something to offer to researchers, students, and teachers. This list contains over 250 libraries and archives that focus mainly on localized, regional, and U.S. history, but it also includes larger collections, eText and eBook repositories, and a short list of directories.

The sites listed here are mainly open access, which means that the digital formats are viewable and usable by the general public.

Killer digital libraries and archives

Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources

Google, the largest search database on the planet, currently has around eight billion web pages indexed. That’s a lot of information. But it’s nothing compared to what else is out there. Google can only index the visible web, or searchable web. But the invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web. The invisible web comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines simply are not able to index.

Research beyond Google

Follow OEDb’s offerings at its own Library 2.0-style blog, iLibrarian

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